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95.2% of Varroa Mites are found feeding on the Fat Body of bees out of site.

First found in the US in 1987 and originates from Southeast Asia.

Dr. Samuel Ramsey 

This longitudinal freeze-fracture image, taken via low-temperature scanning electron microscope, reveals a cross-section of a Varroa mite (red) in between the abdominal segments of a honey bee. (Photo credit: USDA-ARS, Electron and Confocal Microscopy Unit, Beltsville, Maryland)

Dr. Samuel Ramsey 

In this colorized image taken via low-temperature scanning electron microscope, a Varroa mite’s impression left on the abdominal wall of a honey bee is visible. White arrows identify foot pads of the mite that remained attached following removal of the mite. The black arrow identifies the mite’s feeding site. (Photo credit: USDA-ARS, Electron and Confocal Microscopy Unit, Beltsville, Maryland)

Dr. Samuel Ramsey 

This semi-thin-section bright-field microscopy image shows a Varroa mite in between the abdominal segments of a honey bee as well as the wound site and fat bodies. (Photo credit: USDA-ARS, Electron and Confocal Microscopy Unit, Beltsville, Maryland)

Dr. Samuel Ramsey 

In this fluorescent microscopy image of a Varroa mite, fat body consumed by the mite is labeled via red fluorescent stain inside the gut of a dissected mite. (USDA-ARS, Electron and Confocal Microscopy Unit, Beltsville, Maryland)

Varroa Videos

Dr. Samuel Ramsey

Dr. Samuel Ramsey presents his world famous discovery "Varroa feed on hemolymph & two other alternative facts", to the Institute of Northern Ireland Beekeepers honey show 2019.

Dr. Samuel Ramsey - 3 Min Thesis

Samuel Ramsey, a doctoral candidate in entomology, explains his dissertation on Varroa destructor, a parasitic mite that feeds on honey bees

Dr. Samuel Ramsey

Varroa Does Not Feed on Hemolymph

Oxalic Acid Vaporization

Varroa mite treatment oxalic acid | Pro Vap 110 vaporizer