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New In 2021 Swarm Traps For Sale

Start catching FREE BEES in your own back yard today!

Every year people ask if I will sell them one of my swarm traps after I tell them I have caught 100+ swarms the past 4 years. I have always said "no they are not for sale".  Well, that is changing starting spring 2021.  I will start making swarm traps and have them for sale starting in March.  If you would like to order add to your cart below.  The traps will be fully assembled, and all you will need to do is paint, add your 

frames, and lure.  Then you'll be ready to start catching FREE BEES!


*Call before placing order to check status and dates

Tyler: 417-894-0974 or 615-500-8810

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Our Locally Produced Queens


Grafted Frame

Here we are inspecting a grafted frame 24 hours after

 placing larva into a queenless starter hive.

Capped Queen ​Cell​s Going To Incubator

Our queens are grafted for specific traits and characteristics. 

Our breeder queens are selected based on the hives performance

 in survivability, brood rearing, honey production and gentleness.

Our BEAR Incubator 

Here is a picture of the incubator we use after the queen

cells are capped awaiting placement into Nucs,

queen-less hives and queen castles for mating.

Picture 1: These are queen cells being removed from a finisher hive on their way to the incubator.

Picture 2: After a queen is mated and has started laying, she is marked for easy identification.

Picture 3: Newly made up queen mating nucs awaiting the placement of their queen cells.

Picture 4: A Nuc inspection of a queen and her laying pattern just prior to her leaving for her new home.

5 Frame Deep Nucs

Nucs that are ready for new home's. 

The Nuc's have 5 deep frames with a laying queen,

 3-4 frames of brood with the remainder being honey/pollen.

3 Frame Mating Nucs

In the spring of 2019 we added 50 3-Frame deep 

mating Nucs.  They have helped increase the number

of queens we can produce.  Along with the queen

 castles and over 50 5-Frame Nuc boxes we are set 

to help meet some of the local need for queens.

Several of our Apiaries

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We have established apiaries at multiple locations

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